The river is running clear and very fishable

East Carson River (CA) - Markleeville, CA (Alpine County)

by Doug Busey

EAST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY: The river is running clear and very fishable.  It was running at 77 CFm's this week. Have had many reports of good rainbows being caught on powerbait or power eggs. The Alpine County F&G planted the river a couple weeks ago with nice sized rainbows. On November 16th, the river will convert to catch and release with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. The Carson River Resort is open for camping and cabin rentals all year.

EAST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY-HANGMANS BRIDGE: Located  from Hangman's bridge, south of Markleeville to the Nevada stateline. The river is open all year to fish with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. Limit is two fish 14" or larger.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.

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