Eastern Sierra Fish Report
Topaz Lake Fish Report for 5-9-2024
Topaz Lake Fish Report for 5-9-2024
The lake level has started to come down a few feet over the last week or two
Topaz Lake - Gardnerville, NV

by Doug Busey
The lake level has started to come down a few feet over the last week or two. Fishing has been good for early morning anglers trolling flashers followed by a worm or a #1 needlefish lure. Some anglers have just been trolling a Panther Martin or a Roostertail behind the boat. When you troll spinners, I recommend using a small ball bearing snap swivel so as not to twist your line. A regular snap swivel will not work as well. Shore anglers have done fair on the California side using green or salmon peach powerbait. The east side by the Douglas County campground area still has most of its real estate under water.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to nevada@fishreports.com. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
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for Thursday, May 9th, 2024Caples Lake: The lake is now showing some open waters along the edges
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for Thursday, April 18th, 2024Caples Lake: The lake still has 4 ft of ice and snow on it, but is melting fast
Woods Lake: The road is still closed as of this week
Red Lake: The lake is still covered in snow and ice and is thawing quickly
Blue Lake Lower: The road is open to the first gate
Burnside Lake: The road is still closed as of this week
Indian Creek Reservoir: The lake level is still high, but is starting to get a little weedy in spots
Topaz Lake: Trolling has been good to very good on the north
West Carson River (CA): The river has been flowing at 225 cfm
East Carson River (CA): The river has been flowing at 650 to 800 cfm
Markleeville Creek: The flows have been running good and the water clear
Silver Creek : The flows have been running clear but may muddy up a little with runoff
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level is up to the airport level, and the Bridgeport Marina is open for launching and mooring
Taylor Creek: Not open to fishing until the Saturday before Memorial weekend

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