Eastern Sierra Fish Report
June Lake Loop Fish Report for 4-27-2023
June Lake Loop Fish Report for 4-27-2023
June Lake Loop - June Lake, CA (Mono County)

by Mono County
Video from today, April 27, 2023, at Upper Twin Lakes near Anette’s Mono Village. (NOW OPEN)
Fishman (Aka the opening day of fishing season) is only 2 days away! While many of our waterways are rapidly melting, some lakes and streams will still be impacted by snow and ice. Mono County Officials are urging residents and visitors to research local conditions, and exercise extreme caution when recreating outdoors as record snowpack coupled with rising temperatures have created hazardous and fragile ice conditions throughout the Eastern Sierra.
Conditions are changing daily but here is our best guess at what you can expect on opening day this Saturday April, 29 2023.
-West Walker River: Snow and ice free along 395 but extremely high flows are projected this weekend with the West Walker River approaching flood stage.
-Robinson Creek: Snow and ice free in Bridgeport Meadow. Snow on the banks of the river north of Doc & Als but very fishable.
-East Walker River: Snow and Ice free below the dam but extremely high flows are projected this weekend.
-Bridgeport Reservoir: 100% snow and ice free. The water level is down to make room for the incoming snow melt. Boat launching will only be available at the Bath Tub.
-Upper Twin Lakes: We saw Mono Village owners Kellie and Norm Annette on their boats breaking up ice to make room for anglers today. Shore fishing will be 100% possible here. Boat and trolling will be TBD as ice does remain on the lake but could also be completely gone in 2 days.
-Lower Twin Lakes: We saw Twin Lakes Resort putting their docks in today and the marina is ice free. Shore fishing will be 100% possible here. Boat and trolling will be TBD as ice does remain on the lake but could also be completely gone in 2 days.
-Virginia Creek: Snow and ice free near Willow Springs and Virginia Creek Settlement.
-Virginia Lakes: Lots of snow and ice.
-Lundy Lake: The road is open to the dam, but the lake is still completely iced over.
-Lee Vining Creek: Open with snow and ice on the banks. High flows are expected.
-Saddlebag Lake: Closed. (No road access)
-June, Gull, Silver and Grant: All covered with ice but melting fast. Shore fishing is possible but will be tough to get your line out too deep. Get there early for the best spots. (We will update our Facebook page when every lake becomes ice free)
-Mammoth Lakes Basin: lots of snow and ice. Closed for the opener and most of May.
-Convict Lake: Convict Lake Resort was able to get the marina ice free and their boats are in the water. Ice remains on most of the lake but shore fishing is possible in select areas.
-Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fish Camp will open their gates tomorrow April 28, 2023 at 9am! (Please go support this family operated business that relies deeply on the income generated on opening weekend!) Ice and snow remain around and in the lake. There will be no launching, dirt road or storage access, and no shoreline camping.
-Rock Creek Lake: Closed. (No road access)
-Lower Rock Creek: Mostly melted out near and below Tom’s Place (Another great business to support this weekend!) with snow impacts at higher elevations. High flows are expected.
Conditions are changing fast and we will update our social media pages with any positive
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