Eastern Sierra Fish Report
Lake Sabrina Fish Report for 6-6-2022
Lake Sabrina Fish Report for 6-6-2022
Lake Sabrina Report
Lake Sabrina - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

The first limits of trout caught by our boat customers. 6-3-22
Photo Credit: Lake Sabrina
by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff
Fish & Trail Report 6-5-22
And a Glorious First Week of June to Everyone!
If you've never been up to visit the Bishop Creek Canyon the first week AFTER Memorial Day....well, you aren't the only one!
It’s a notoriously quiet week on the mountain. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday weekend every year, as if someone waives a magic wand, our high-country home transforms itself back into the idyllic little canyon we’re used and the mother nature continues to announce spring’s arrival with aspen groves spouting bright green leaves and fields of snow melt away revealing our favorite trails winding through the forest.
Our crew typically takes advantage of this mellow week by taking great care of the few guests we do have and then catching up on work we couldn’t get done before opening or getting ahead on peak season preparations.
This year the lake level at Sabrina started a little lower than we’d hoped and the runoff came a little later than was ideal but this week we had the water and the time to get things rolling. By week’s end we had 6 motorboats and 2 pontoon boats available to rent.
We were quite happy with that starting fleet considering pontoon boats have never been available for rent at this lake level before. We expect to have a dock in some form or fashion in and additional boats in for next weekend. Judging by the incredible number of emails, DM’s and calls we get about those pontoon boats, having 2 available now with a bunch more on deck, things are looking very rosy summertime.
Regarding the water level specifically, it has come up considerably over the past couple weeks and continues to come up the shore at least a few inches a day, sometimes half a foot. Where it will peak remains to be seen but at the current rate of rise it should be higher than last year’s peak within a couple weeks if not sooner. There is plenty of water to launch private boats and the dam side of the lake is plenty wide for an easy ride to the main body of the lake.
The DFW has stocked the lake 3 times already and we’ve heard that some extra fish have made the trip since South Lake is currently inaccessible to the stocking trucks. We have some Idaho Rainbows coming soon as well. Lots of fish cruising the blue alpine waters of Lake Sabrina right now. We’ve only been renting boats for 4 days now but our customers have had absolutely no problem catching a whole mess of trout. Jigs, lures, bait, flies....it's dealers choice.
South Lake is too low to bother with and hasn't been stocked since fall of 2020. Both forks of Bishop Creek, Intake 2 and North Lake are all fishing great so there just isn't much you can do wrong up here right now except litter hahah.
The hiking trails are more accessible by the day and so far we have had reports from hikers visiting the Tyee Lakes, Long Lake on the Bishop Pass Trail, the Treasure Lakes above South Lake, Upper Lamarck Lake and Blue Lake. Every week into July more and more lakes with ice out and the passes will clear. Lace up the boots y’all, the time is here for day hiking. You backpackers are next up.
Current Schedule
Sabrina Store & Boat Rentals Open Daily
7am – 6pm June 16th to Labor Day
8am – 6pm Labor Day to October
Currently operating on a first come, first served bases.
Boat Reservations can be made at www.LakeSabrinaBoatLanding.com for rentals June 20th – Labor Day Weekend.
The Waterfront Café at Lake Sabrina will start serving HOMEMADE PIE, and a limited menu June 17th.
Grand opening with full menu, draft beer, iced coffee, and expanded hours to be announced soon!!!
Weather Updates and Forecasts for Our Specific Longitude and Latitude Can Be Found at www.LakeSabrinaBoatLanding.com and clicking the puffy little cloud below our phone number.
More to come....
Jared, Seth, Steve, Judy and the rest of the Sabrina Crew
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