Fish Report for 5-15-2020
Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers. Well I have some good news to share with you. Trout season in Alpine County is officially open as of Friday May 15, 2020. The county decided to re-access their season opener from original request of the June 1st date. today, the CDFW has granted their request. Now in regards to Inyo and Mono Counties. Their trout season is still on schedule to open on June 1,2020. If I hear of a new date for those counties, you will be the first to know. Last week Monitor Pass was open, but highway 4 over Ebbetts Pass is still closed 7.2 miles west of highway 89. Which means that Silver Creek up river from the East Carson River is accessible. Her is a few other areas that are fishable and accessible in our area.
LAKE TAHOE: All boat ramps are still closed. But with talks from the TRPA, they are planning to open to Tahoe only boats in the near future. These are mainly local boat owners that have had their vessel certified and inspected previously to fish or recreate on Tahoe only. If you are planning on bringing your boat up from out of the area. You will not be allowed to launch. Note, this is in the planning stage and ramps are not open as of this date.
SILVER LAKE: The lake has thawed and the water level is up. I fished with fellow angler Tom Blotter last weekend. We got two small mackinaws and one rainbow to the boat. Talked with an angler fishing from the spillway area, he was doing well for small rainbows using powerbait.
CAPLES LAKE: The lake was icing out very fast. By now the lake should be ice free. The EID boat ramp is scheduled to open on Memorial Day weekend. But with the stay at home orders in California, that may be delayed.
RED LAKE: The lake has ice out completely. No reports on fishing as of this date. The water level is up and the lake does offer brook, rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout.
BLUE LAKES: The road is open 2 miles in to the second gate as of last weekend.
BURNSIDE LAKE: The road is closed.
WEST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE: Open to fishing starting May 15, 2020. The river in Hope Valley is running very good for fishing from the Blue lake turn off to Sorensons Resort. The river has not been planted this week. Alpine County will begin their trout plants just before the Memorial weekend with 1350 lbs of 2 to 6 pound rainbow trout. The waters through Woodfords Canyon area to fast right now to fish.
EAST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE: Opens to fishing May 15,2020. The river is running a little high and with a green tint to it. Very fishable from the upper bridge to Hangmans bridge. Alpine County has scheduled a plant of 1350 lbs of 2 to 6 pound rainbows just before the Memorial weekend. I will not be surprised if you hook into a much larger rainbow up to 10 pounds. The Creekside Lodge will reopen on May 15th.
MARLKLEEVILLE CREEK: Open to fishing May 15, 2020. The river is running very well right now. Alpine County has scheduled a plant of 450 lbs of 2 to 6 pound rainbows just before Memorial weekend.
SILVER CREEK: The flows have been fluctuating due to the snow run off. Alpine County has scheduled a plant of 450
lbs of 2 to 6 pound rainbows just before Memorial weekend.
TOPAZ LAKE: The water level is still up and the fishing has started to pick up from shore and from a boat. Green Powerbait has been most productive, while trollers have been using Rapalas or flashers and a half a worm. I have had good success with medium flasher blades and a rainbow dick slammer 18 inches behind the blades. Camping is still not allowed on the lake, the boat ramp and day use is open at the Douglas County park area. A special note to the anglers traveling on 395 in a grey Nissan Titan with a Crestliner pontoon boat. You lost something out of your boat on your journey a week or so ago. You can leave your contact information at sports@ to get it returned to you.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The campgrounds are not open and there has not been a set date as of right now. The lake level is up and the fishing has picked up a little. remember that the lake still has 2 to 10 pound trout roaming around in there. Special note, do not let your pets swim or drink out of the lake. The blue green algae level is low but still notable. Anglers, rinse your fish off at home before freezing or consuming your catch.
PYRAMID LAKE: Fishing and recreating to the public is still closed. Only local residence will be allowed to enter the reservations land. The Paiute Tribe is working on opening the area when they feel it is safe to do so.
MASON VALLEY WILDLIFE REFUGE: the area is open to the public now for fishing. They have stocked Hinkson Slough with rainbow trout.
Hope to see you on the waters. Remember that the outside temperatures may be warm, the rivers are running with ice cold snow melt. Use caution this time of year around our rivers and streams, hypothermia can set in quickly if your not paying attention. If you get a photo of your catch, send it to Good fishin' and tight lines.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
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