A Few Days Away From Opener

Topaz Lake - Gardnerville, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of NDOW

by Doug Busey

Hello fellow anglers, We are just a few days away from the Topaz opener on January 1, 2020. From the closure 3 months ago to this date. The Nevada Department of Wildlife has planted 51,000 lbs of trout, which is approximately 17,800 individual trout. As a note, the NDOW planted Eagle Lake, Triploid and the Tahoe strain. I would have to say, if you don't catch a fish on opening day. It might be time to look for a new sport. With all the trout in the lake with the additional poundage that has been added, fishing should be pretty good. It looks as thought mother nature will be cooperating with us a little better this year. Low temps are expected in the 20's and getting up to the high 40's. To some that may be a little cold. For those brave anglers that join us there last year. It will be almost a spring like day. Last year the morning low on opening day was 9 degrees when we finally got out on the lake. With all of the fish in the lake, some may attempt to take over their limit. I highly recommend not to. Both California and Nevada game wardens will be out checking for license's, and checking angers daily catches as well as boaters safety . You know some things never change, and I hope they never do.Unlike the amount of bowl games they have on TV. When I started coming to the Topaz opener, there were 6 bowl games, now there are 40. To me there is only one Topaz opener and that will always be on January 1st of every year. no matter if the season regulations change or not.  Remember to check your fishing license, Nevada licenses are valid for one year from date of purchase. A California license is valid from January 1 to December 31st. You may use a valid fishing license from either state while fishing Topaz Lake. As you may have read in past reports. The Topaz Lodge will not be holding their annual fishing derby this year. There was an issue of being able to obtain top quality trophy sized trout to plant this year. I was told that the derby may continue in 2021.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to nevada@fishreports.com. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.

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Hello fellow anglers, We are just a few days away from the Topaz opener on January 1, 2020. From the...... Read More

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