Chetco River - OR

Photo Gallery

A chrome-bright Chinook is getting ready to be measured as soon as the other splashing king has its measurements taken. Photo by Larry Ellis.
After being measured, the large Chinook is then slipped inside a rubber boot to protect it while it is manually transported to the hatchery truck. Photo by Larry Ellis.
Jason Gutierrez, deckhand for hoists up a hefty Chinook he caught on the Chetco River on Thursday while working a bobber and sand shrimp cocktail at Social Security Hole.
Photo Credit: Larry Ellis

The latest addition to the Port of Brookings Harbor fillet station was adding a poster of the port with 10 hooks to weigh your fish on, in addition to getting a better-working scale.
Photo Credit: Larry Ellis
On Wednesday, guide John Anderson trolled the Rogue bay and put his clients on 2 adult Chinook, 2 jack Chinook and 5 coho. The coho were wild and had to be released.
Photo Credit: John Anderson
Jim McDaniels managed to limit out on some large black rockfish out of the Port of Brookings Harbor last week, photo by Larry Ellis.
John Anderson of Memory Makers fame has been getting his clients some large Chinook with regularity by trolling the Rogue bay, photo courtesy of Memory Makers Rogue River Guide Service.
David Castellanos had no problem limiting out his clients on Sunday on big black rockfish and lingcod when the ocean was as flat as a piece of glass out of the Port of Brookings Harbor. Photo by Larry Ellis
Larry Jonas of Brookings, Ore., holds one of two steelhead he caught and released March 20 while fishing with guide Rye Phillips on the lower Chetco River. Photo courtesy of Rye Phillips.
With a low and clear water, fishing for steelhead was slow on the Chetco River. Still, anglers were able to catch a few hatchery fish by side-drifting Puff Balls-and-roe.
Photo Credit: Larry Ellis
Salty dogs were able to fish the ocean out of the Port of Brookings Harbor last week for lingcod and rockfish.
Photo Credit: Larry Ellis