Holmes Creek Reservoir - Layton, UT

Lake Information

Fish Species: Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, Black Crappie, Common Carp, Bluegill, White Crappie, Walleye

Latest Fish Plants

Plant DateSpeciesSourceTotal Pounds
3-22-2021Rainbow TroutUTDNR 

Latest Fish Reports

Date Report Author
5-29-2015 Holmes Creek Reservoir Fish Report
The water level is very good. There is... more »
Utah Division of Wildlife
5-14-2015 Holmes Creek Reservoir Fish Report
Now is a great time to catch... more »
Utah Division of Wildlife
5-5-2015 Holmes Creek Reservoir Fish Report
Water levels continue to rise, which creates more... more »
Utah Division of Wildlife
4-30-2015 Holmes Creek Reservoir Fish Report
On April 28, water levels had risen, creating... more »
Utah Division of Wildlife
4-24-2015 Holmes Creek Reservoir
During the week of April 4, fishing... more »
Utah Division of Wildlife

Detailed Map