Silver Lake Fish Report for 4-30-2019
Opening Weekend Report
Silver Lake - June Lake, CA (Mono County)

by Andrew Jones
The weather was spectacular on Saturday, the fishing was incredible and the views – well those are always Amazing. It has been a few years since we haven’t had to fight the snow, the cold, the wind and the weather and boy oh boy was it a treat!!!! We saw a wide range of fishing here at Silver Lake, from stringers full to lots of 2 to 4 pounders up to whoppers that weighed in from 6 to 9 pounds. Danny Oberding caught the first fish that we weighed in here at Silver Lake Resort that tipped the scales at 6 pounds 10 oz caught on the shore of Silver Lake using Salmon Peach Power Bait. Richard Malland also hooked into a beauty weighing in at 8 pounds 9 oz caught from the shore as well using Yellow Power Bait. Our Monster of the weekend was caught Monday morning by Damien Gomez that weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 1 oz caught from the shore of Silver Lake using Garlic Power Bait. If that doesn’t get you excited we had a ton of anglers that hooked into some 2 to 4 pound Rainbows that the County generously stocked last week, from desert Springs Hatchery, to help get Silver Lake ready for the Season Opener. Most of the Rainbows that were caught were interested in the Power Baits (Salmon Peach, Garlic, Rainbow) Night Crawler Worms, the always steady Thomas Buoyant Gold/Red and Salmon Eggs. We didn’t see much consistent action with Trollers as the water is still relatively cold, as less then a week ago it went ice free after a long cold winter. The entire June Lake Loop had a great Opener to the 2019 Season with June Lake posting the biggest fish out of the loop lakes with a enormous Brown weighing in at 10 pounds 10 oz. Thanks to John and Jeremy and their entire crew at Ernies Tackle Shop for another great Monster Trout Contest that was a huge success, as always.
Look for the fishing to continue to stay consistent as the mass crowds from the weekend begin to thin out. Things in the Loop will slow down a little for the next three or four weeks until June hits and schools get out for the summer. So, if you looking for some good fishing and quieter times, get on up to the Loop and enjoy some picturesque scenery an hopefully some really good fishing. DFW is scheduled to stock Silver Lake and Rush Creek again next week and we should get a nice load of Desert Springs Rainbows from Oregon in the next few weeks. Boats will be available (wind permitting) daily and the store will be open everyday from 7am to 7pm and come on in for a great breakfast or lunch in the Cafe that is open Daily from 7am to 2pm.
We are off to an incredible start to the 2019 season and hope to see you at the Lake sometime this Summer!!

The Silver Lake Resort is a full service resort in June Lake, CA. We offer accommodations for fisherman throughout the trout season. We have cabins for all size groups, an RV park, a Cafe with fabulous food and a general store to meet your needs. If you would like to book a trip to Silver Lake call them at (760) 648-7525. For more information check out their WEBSITE.
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Silver Lake
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