10th Annual Salmon Festival Set for Oct. 14-15

(916) 445-0411

The American River Salmon Festival returns to the Nimbus Hatchery and Lake Natoma on October 14-15 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Rancho Cordova. Admission is free. Attendees can view the dramatic return of salmon in the American River, and take in over 50 other activities.

The Festival features a Wild Salmon BBQ and many food booths. There will be live music ranging from Latin and Jazz to World Beat and Rock, cultural dances, and children's activities including fish printing, face painting, Salmon Croquet, the Salmon Challenge Course. Several art activities, and a river themed fashion show, are also scheduled. Storytelling, costumes, games, wildlife and cooking demonstrations, river magic show, puppetry, Giant Aquarium, and Super Salmon Playscape will add to the fun.

Guided kayaking and canoeing tours on the lake, and river rafting as well as fishing clinics in a trout-stocked lagoon will be ongoing during the day (fishing poles and free bait provided), and youth fly tying sessions will be held at Lake Natoma. There will also be salmon clinics at the hatchery.

Cultural activities feature American Indian demonstrations of salmon fishing and cooking, fish traps, weaving, acorn grinding, singing and dancing, jewelry and crafts. Many exhibits will cover fish, river and wildlife, plus gifts can be purchased at the popular Salmon Shop and art booths.

?Į?ĮThe festival is coordinated by the California Department of Fish and Game, California State Parks, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, American River Natural History Association, American River Parkway Foundation, and Save the American River Association, and sponsored by over 50 agencies, organizations and businesses.

Parking is $8 with free shuttles at Lake Natoma and Gold Pointe parking lot off Tributary Pointe Road. Free valet bicycle parking available at the hatchery and Lake Natoma. Receive a complimentary RT shuttle from the Hazel Avenue Light Rail Station. For more information, visit www.SalmonFestival.net or call (916) 358-2893.

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