Eastern Sierra Fish Report
Bishop Creek Fish Report for 8-11-2024
Bishop Creek Fish Report for 8-11-2024
Bishop Creek Canyon Fish & Trail Report
Bishop Creek - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)
by Parchers Resort Gang
(760) 873-4177
--The Big Picture—
In a word…superb!!
Regardless of your preferred activity, the BCC has blessed us all with a streak of mid-summer splendor that rivals the idyllic Sierra experiences many of us only see in dreams over the long cold winter. Yup, it’s been that good. Whether trout fishing, hiking, chasing wildflowers, backpacking, fly fishing for wild trout, kayaking, photography or just hanging loose down by the lake, the last two weeks have been dam near perfect (that's a reservoir joke).
--Weather & Water—
There appears to be a game of meteorological tag going on between the days with above average temps into the low 80’s, warm days with bluebird skies and a south breeze, and days that start warm and sunny only to give way to big marshmallow clouds & thunderstorms by midafternoon. We typically get some spicy afternoon weather in late July or early August so it’s nothing we aren’t used to, but this summer has seemed warmer than usual so I welcome the cloud cover and a short lived t-storms to cool things off and keep the dusty trails just a little less dusty. And to quote myself from a few weeks back – the pine forest after a summer rain smells like joy…truth.
The runoff looks to have peaked in our neighborhood, but there’s still plenty water coming down the mountain, especially when seasonal runoff and springs meets up with periodic bursts of rain. It’s also worth noting that the Gilbert Glacier inlet at South Lake has put on quite a show following some afternoon rain as the milky blue glacial runoff meets the crystal clear water of the lake….beautiful is an insufficient descriptor for how stunning the view can be when the conditions are right.\
As far as our Lake Sabrina goes, we’ve come up a few feet this week and that means we’re now above the max water level allowable for the SCE spillway project slated for this summer…which left us a bit confused. After 2 months of operating with low water in anticipation of the dam project, the rising water level and lack of obvious work being done was a concern. Well gang, after reaching out to the folks managing the project it looks like the USFS & SCE have rescheduled the work for summer of 2025 due to delays with the permitting.
I would consider this new information exceedingly unfortunate – this really was the perfect year to handle this from a snowpack standpoint (not too much or too little, just right) because the impacts to recreation have been manageable. But it’s a dam shame (another one) when one summer of impact turns into two summers, and there is no guarantee that the impact to visitors will be so easily mitigated next year. Some things can’t be helped once they’ve happened (or not happened lol), so I guess we can all be thankful for the killer summer we’ve had at Sabrina despite being a little low and remember that South Lake got some extra water because of it, so the outdoor party should roll on through summer and deep into fall..then we can resume crossing our fingers and toes that this winter is a good one (not a HUGE one though Ma’ Nature if you’re reading this!!!).
South Lake btw is very near full, but the water has come down about 18” over the past week or so, which probably means that barring some serious rain, going over the spillway looks unlikely. At this point we’re hoping that with the spillway project at Sabrina officially being pushed back, the water managers will be wise enough to bring Sabrina up a bit and South Lake down a bit but keep both reservoirs in the “fun zone”.
This wrinkle in the spillway project just came to my attention Friday, but I hope to have more info and some updated storage forecasts by the next report at which point i can sort through the data and keep y’all in the loop.
--Trail Conditions--
This is the time of year where updates become rather useless since the trails are obviously open, the weather outside is the weather, and all I can really say is that the skeeters are less of an issue now (hallelujah), the wildflowers are still WAY better than you’d expect (thank you PM rain!). Draft 1 of this report mentioned that we assumed the bridge over the San Joaquin was still out of commission but this just in…..a temporary bridge has been erected and work on the new permanent bridge is underway. No detours or reroutes needed. HOORAY!
Oh – we have a ton of amazing backcountry photos from my staff, friends and family so we’ll have to compensate for the limited word count on the trail stuff with an abundance of images of shameless and gratuitous backcountry enjoyment and scenery.
--Fishing Reports--
--Lake Sabrina--
DFW has been dumping fish regularly, the size of some of the fish is questionable, but thankfully the drops of Idaho fish and Oregon fish have kept things exciting and some really nice fish are being caught. Also – more OREGON Fish are coming VERY soon (or perhaps already) and we also have more Idaho fish coming too. Things are lining up for a great rest of the season if things stay on course.
The Hot STUFF – Folks are catching on a lot of different stuff, but the guys on the dock recommend fly-lined crawlers or garlic PB for the bait n wait folks. For those who can’t sit still long enough to bait fish, like me, natural pattern mini-jigs like cricket or grasshopper , orange mice tails on a split-shot rig actively albeit slowly retrieved in 10-15 ft of water, and the ever reliable Thomas Buoyant. The fish are also hitting the Thomas Buoyant strolled on top early and late in the date. Being that it’s August and the water is as warm as it gets, trolling leadcore line out 3 to 5 colors. Tasmanians, TB’s and small crankbaits are the jam if you’re on the lead core. Wonder Bread Thomas Buoyant has been mentioned as working – something new….
how refreshing!!!
The Hot SPOTS – The Inlets (duh) but you need to get out there early to find an ideal spot where the water is coming in. Trolling the west shore from Cookies point across the rockslide and back as been the best trolling route if you’re a fan of hauling gear around while enjoying the view.
At report time we had 5 pontoon boats and 10 motorboats available for rent. We also have kayaks, a canoe and stand-up PADDLE BOARDS for rent!!! Reservations are highly recommended and can be made online so click here or visit www.LakeSabrinaBoats.com.
Current operating hours 7am – 6pm Daily.
--South Lake—
Fishing did slow down for a minute there but thankfully the bite picked right back up after plants from DFW, Idaho and Oregon over the last few weeks. MORE bigguns are on the way as well. Keep an eye out for more footage of Desert Springs fish landing in South Lake – can’t wait for the next batch to be stocked using our stocking boat the SS Free Willy. Stay tuned.
The Hot STUFF – First the broken record part – flylined crawlers, Thomas buoyants casted or trolled, powerbait. Now the fresh pattern that’s developed is trolling small jerkbaits or spoons like Thomas Buoyants on top has been super productive, especially along the west shore where one boat had 23 fish C&R all between 1.75lbs and 3lbs…..and both anglers had BIG fish pop off. If you can get out early, trolling the west shore en route to the inlets with a gold/red Thomas buoyant is money. The mice tails (pink or orange) with a size 8 mosquito hook and a couple split shots 3 feet above tossed right up tight to any moving water has been dynamite for many. Don’t just soak it, retrieve it slowly for best results. Dare to fish the deeper water during the heat of the day. As evidenced by a couple locals, the fish are absolutely still on the chew mid-day (Noon to 3pm), and the quality was actually better….so don’t get apathetic after the chill of the morning has conceded to the summer sun…your trophy trout is waiting.
The Hot SPOTS – The inlets are consistently good spots but even with 4 of them, the bite can cool off for a day or two following a busy boat day on the lake with lots of fishing pressure. The good news is that they reload with fish quickly and there are lots of fish to go around. The better news is that we’ve had some anglers just smash it in several other spots so the fish appear to finally be plentiful enough to spread out the bite. The Rock Slide is finally making it’s comeback, especially on the dam side of the shoreline where the boulders give way to smaller rocks. The cliffs on the west shore on either side of the rock slide have been great too – oh and the dam has been holding fish too.
At report time the South Lake fleet has 4 pontoon boats (hoping back to 5 by next weekend), 10 motorboats and 2 kayaks. Reservations are highly recommended and can be made on the Parchers Resort website www.ParchersResort.net
Current operating hours 7am – 6pm Daily.
--Bishop Creek--
Creek flows on the middle fork have dropped to what I consider to be low water, but admittedly I don’t have much in the way of opinion or reports on how that affects the bite provided the fish still go in. The So. Fork is still flush with water and hasn’t changed much. Fishing was reported to be good for those wise enough to work the creek thoroughly instead of sitting in one fishless pool all afternoon.
--Intake 2—
Haven’t heard….I don’t get out much (well, not counting Sabrina & South).
--North Lake—
No clue. Still haven’t talked to anyone fishing up there. I think I need to take a break and drive up there at some point to get some 411.
--Backcountry Angling--
Dude….it is ON! If you’re a wild trout enthusiast, stop reading this – pack your gear and boots and go now. Summer is short up there y’all – get it while the getting is good.
--Business Opportunity--
We’re still looking for the right family to take the reigns over at Parchers and South Lake. As much as I’ve tried, I can’t do it all without my now fully retired business partners (congrats Mom & Dad). If you think you’re the right family to run a business in this crazy awesome place and serve our crazy awesome customers, reach out. Parchers Resort & South Lake Landing is a rare opportunity. If you’ve dreamt of living the mountain life and are passionate about outdoor recreation, visit www.parchersresort.net/business-opportunity for details. Price has been reduced so take a gander and be our neighbor!!
——Waterfront Café at Sabrina is OPEN—-
Kitchen & Grill
8am – 3pm Fri-Sun
Killer breakfast burritos, bowls, & hot cakes for breakfast and big ol' burgers and steak sammies for lunch
Coffee, Pie & Beer Counter
8am – 6pm DailyServing Fat Trout coffee by local roasters Black Sheep Coffee, our famous homemade pie, local brews on tap.
For CABIN RENTALS visit our lodging website at www.ParchersResort.net, we still have a few cabins left pllThe Parchers Store on the South Fork of Bishop Creek is open daily from 8am to 6pm. We have a great stretch of creek adjacent to the resort so fish the creek and stop in to say hi!
Everything within the canyon is open. Trailheads are open. Launch ramps are open. Had buddies up at Coyote Flat last week, rough ride but open. Bring it on!!!!
All USFS campgrounds are open! YAY!
Please remember that DISPERSED CAMPING IS PROHIBITED up here, so if you wanna camp, expect to pay.
Weather Updates and Forecasts for Our Specific Longitude and Latitude Can Be Found at www.LakeSabrinaBoatLanding.comand clicking the puffy little cloud below our phone number.
Until next time……tight lines and happy trails!!!!
Jared (me), Seth, Judy, Steve and the whole Lake Sabrina, South Lake Landing & Parchers Crew
Photos compiled by our staff and the rest of the information sourced from our crew and our wonderful guests. Thank You!!!

Trout for dinner. Lake Sabrina last week.

Big dudes with a big fish. Lake Sabrina

Winner of the first lunker caught from a stand-up Paddle Board rental at Sabrina....kudos!!

Resort staffer Ethan with a bruiser caught using a TB at South Lake. Dude is a stud.

Golden hybrid flushed down from the Treasure Lakes inlet at SLK. 8/8/24
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More Reports
Parchers Resort Reports
for Friday, July 19th, 2024
Bishop Creek: Bishop Creek Canyon Fish & Trail Report
Lake Sabrina: Lake Sabrina Fishing Report
South Lake: South Lake Fishing Report
Parchers Resort Reports
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South Lake: South Lake Fishing Report
Bishop Creek: The water is a bit on the higher side on both forks
Bishop Creek - Intake II: The water is up and fish stocking has been consistent
North Lake: North Lake Fishing Report

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