Eastern Sierra Fish Report
Bishop Creek Fish Report for 5-30-2024
Bishop Creek Fish Report for 5-30-2024
Bishop Creek Canyon Fish & Trail Report
Bishop Creek - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

Boats are in! Open daily from 7am-6pm
by Parchers Resort Gang
(760) 873-4177
Bishop Creek Canyon
Fish & Trail Report
May 29th, 2024
--The Big Picture--
The sun is shining, the snow is melting, the boats at Sabrina & South Lake are floating, the fish are biting and we're trails are clearing day by day.. It's not summer yet, but it sure feels close.
--Weather & Water--
We had very good luck with the weather this past week, so the folks who made it up for our opening weekend were stoked. We have some more warm weather in the forecast so what snow is left between the 9000ft and 10000ft won't be around much longer.
Lake Sabrina has been drawn down temporarily by SCE...the idea is to control the runoff and keep the water below the max level allowed to complete the spillway work in a timely manner. The lake has come up noticeably over the past few days and I did notice today that they turned the creek flow down again this morning.
With them trying to keep a handle on the Sabrina storage level, SCE is using South Lake for extra storage, which means it is significantly higher than usual for this date, hence our ability to get the dock out. The water is rising and we’re excited to see if we can get her up on the straightaway part of the ramp before Father’s Day.
----SLK Launch Ramp Notes----
The water is only a few feet up on the ramp, not enough to safely use it, but just enough water to hide the end of the concrete and the blocks at the end. It's gonna be safe to launch by June 1st if I had to guess. At the moment it's a good way to remove the axle from your trailer….we’ve seen it happen, so be careful.
--Trail Conditions--�
Our first batch of guests, along with some of our staff, did some day hikes over the past several days. There is still snow in many places along the Bishop Pass trail with Long Lake being the limit for most. The Green Lake trail is also passable, but Green Lake is frozen at the moment….which will change any day.
Bishoop Pass is still plugged with snow, but the first group of PCT folks to stop by arrived this evening. When asked how the conditions were I was told “pretty rough”. It was sloppy and wet and one of the thru hikers who’s trail name is “Podcast” said, “put it this way, my boots are up in the dumpster at the trailhead”. So there ya go, it can be done, but it’s not super pleasant. When the first level of lakes hovering around the 10k mark are thawing or thawed. I guess the bottom line is that there is plenty of hiking to do.
--Fishing Reports—
--Lake Sabrina—
Most of the fish are being caught at the inlet on the usuals (PB, crawlers, jigs etc.). Trolling Thomas Buoyants around the back of the main lake has also been effective for those who prefer to fish that style.
Shore anglers are doing ok along the shoreline just adjacent to the dock.
Boat reservations can be made NOW at www.lakesabrinaboats.com
Private boats can launch off the beach if you know what you're doing.
--South Lake—
On Tuesday it was iced over and by the weekend it was wide open. Crazy. Fishing was pretty good overall although we were surprised to find that while the lake behind the island does have water, it’s pretty shallow so the fish haven’t moved back there in numbers just yet. Best spots have been in the main body of the lake actually, especially the Rock Slide and the corner of the dam. The fishing at the inlets is going to go crazy soon, but we’ll need a few more feet for the fish to feel a little more comfortable to stack up.
Boat reservations for South Lake can be made here or visit
--Bishop Creek--
Perfect flows, not much pressure. DFW has dumped fish...go get 'em.
--Intake 2—
No Report
--North Lake—
No Report.
--Backcountry Angling--�
No Report.
We still have Cabin Rentals open for the next few weeks prior to peak season so come on down!!!!! Our lodging website is at Parchers Resort
The Sabrina Cafe is serving pie and coffee starting this Saturday and we're hoping to open the grill Friday through Sunday beginning June 14th. Stay tuned, could be earlier.
�Weather Updates and Forecasts for Our Specific Longitude and Latitude Can Be Found at www.LakeSabrinaBoatLanding.com and clicking the puffy little cloud below our phone number. Looks like some wind coming over the next few days, hopefully it calms for the weekend.
Jared & the Parchers Resort, Lake Sabrina, & South Lake Crew
--Business Opportunity--
The time has come for Steve & Judy to fully retire so we're currently searching for the next owners
of Parchers Resort & South Lake Landing. If you think you have what it takes to live the mountain life, visit
www.parchersresort.net/business-opportunity for details.
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