Spring has Finally Arrived in the Eastern Sierra

Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250

Here's your Eastern Sierra Fishing Report 5-16-23. You can stick a fork in winter, as spring has finally arrived in the eastern sierra. We may still get the random snow flurry or winter storm, as in previous years a little snow even in June is not unheard of. For now however, spring weather has been reaching into the 70's in Long Valley and Crowley Lake is ice free and back to its usual scene. Fishing started on the slow side and is taking a little time to pick up, but we are picking away at the browns, rainbows and cutthroats on the lake. Midges and Leeches have been getting them.
Most of the rivers are flowing high now, with the Lower Owens at 750 cfs and the East Walker at a raging 1030 cfs, and with warm weather in the forecast, we can expect to see the some water come down in force from the mountains and blow out the creeks shortly. A few cutthroat have been spotted in the Crowley Lake tributaries, but not a whole lot moving in just yet, as everything seems to be a few weeks behind schedule.
Upper Twin Lakes in Bridgeport has been producing the big browns. Eagle Lake is primed and ready for the opener in a couple of weeks.
Check out our website for our detailed report at www.sierradrifters.com
Call or Text us at 760-935-4250 or email sierradriftersgs@gmail.com to book a trip!

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