Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 11-14-2022
Back on Shore and The Fish Are Just as Fired Up
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

by Pyramid Fly Co.
As we slid off an amazing October we jumped into November with some amazing shore fishing as we got back on the beaches, digging our boots in the sand full steam ahead! October was downright killer as the bait stayed balled up and the Ginormous Cutts stayed sharking.
Mother Nature came through with some calm cool weather the second week and the fish responded like National geo graphics “Shark week”. Now weather is steadily pushing through dropping the water temperature, pushing the fishes food source in closer to us shore anglers providing for some great shore fishing for this time of the year. The lake generally has a little lull as we transition to shore fishing. But this week we have had some pretty damn good fishing.
Pyramid lake is a weather driven fishery and the current storm fronts are coming in one after another dropping the water temps in a hurry. Exactly what we wanna see as we pack the watermasters up and dust the ladders off. This time of year is typically a quality over quantity time of year with big hot fish still choking down the bait fish they have a lot of energy this time of year.
If the fish want to run, let em’ go! Or you’ll be crying in your sleep, on the way home, to your significant other and/or your dog. This lake will punish you if you don’t listen to get subtle signs and gestures. Don’t get in your head. Take a break or grab a snack. Get out of your head for a bit and think of everything other than fish. Get a smile back on your face and get back in the groove. This lake is one that will really test your will. Whether it be the fish, the weather or the guy next to you absolutely destroying you as you watch your little orange bobber continue to float as it wears its life vest nice and snug. Get your shit together and get back in the game bub! Pyramid punishes the weak minded!
As the fish are transitioning we like to keep our flies in the zone as often as possible. Therefore the bobber is and will remain king the majority of the season. You are always fishing when that little orange ball is out there.
Whether you’re playing on your phone, taking in the gorgeous snow capped mountains or playing grab ass with that good looking girl you managed to talk into going fishing with you. Gigantic fish make people do crazy things! Us included. I mean we spend the majority of the year out wandering the desert beaches in search of the Worlds largest cutthroat with you like minded folks. What else could one ask for ? We love this shit ! Since the fish are still inhaling tui chubs we are using flies that imitate them.
Balanced leeches, balanced minnows and baitfish suspended under the indicator is key for the next month or two. Mother Nature will dictate when the bug change occurs. But for now it’s big fat hungry trout gorging on baitfish in all colors of the rainbow. What’s the weather doing at the time? Your fly choice should reflect the weather. Bright days one often rushes bright flies. But are there rules in fly fishing? Definitely not! If it’s not working switch it up.
The fish are spread all over the lake. We have been fishing here, there and everywhere in between. What’s the weather doing? That’s what often dictates where we fish? Yes, we like weather, but wanna be comfortable while doing so.
You can’t catch em if your flies aren’t in the water. And you sure can’t catch em from the couc
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