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Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

Photo Credit: Jim Elias

by Jim Elias

Flows at 49CFS - Water is stained below the confluence - Water Temp -  Low to Mid 60's mid-day.

Rod Size:  #5-#6 Weights

Tippet Size: 3-4X 

Leader: Euro/Czech Leader, 7.5ft-9ft 3-4X

Best Techniques: Dry/Hopper Dropper, Euro Nymphing, Streamers, Indicator Nymphing

Dry Flies: Parachute Adams Gray #16-18, Griffith's Gnat #18-22, Elk Hair Caddis #16-18, Parachute Caddis #16-18, JuJu Emerger #18, CDC Baetis Emerger #18, CDC Baetis DUN #16-18, Gray RS2 #16-18

Nymphs: Hare's Ear #16-18, Flashback Hare's Ear #16-18, BH Flashback Pheasant Tail #14-16, Red Copper John #14-16, Prince Nymph #14-16, Black Bird's Nest #14-16, San Juan Worms, Micromayfly Olive #16

Streamers:  Honestly it doesn't matter much. Short sinking tips are working best swung through the undercuts or down across the deeper runs. 


Took a trip here on Tuesday and the fishing wasn't horrible! Granted everything we caught was a hatchery fish. There were some large caddis fluttering around and a fish would occasionally grab one and come clean out of the water sometimes as a foot to grab the fly mid-air. Water temps are in the low 60s, at least on the overcast and rainy day I checked around 11:30. There's a few fish in just about every hole we fished, so don't expect to stand in one place all day, you have to keep moving, especially after you've hooked a fish. I had beginners, and didn't get there til after 9 so we missed the Trico spinners, but I'm hearing it happens around 8am. Some of the smaller resident fish were eating bigger caddis dries in the eddys and foam lines as well so the bobber isn't the only game.

Photo Credit: Jim Elias

Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..

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