15 Days Till Fishmas

Lower Twin Lake Boat Ramps are in
Photo Credit: Twin Lakes Resort

by Doug Busey

Hello fellow anglers. Where else but the high sierras can you be wearing shorts on Saturday, and a long sleeve thermal shirt and a jacket on Monday in a little blizzard. Last week you read about the Mono County CA Fishmas season opener. This week we will talk about the Alpine County opening season. Now even though the rivers are open all year with gear and limit restrictions. I am a true believer of the last Saturday in April as the true opening day of the fishing season. Just getting out to meet new and old friends. Some people from far away places that I only see a couple times a year. It is a true Fishmas season. On April 30th, the regulations change for many rivers in California. I recommend you to check the waters for each area you choose to fish. IE; The rivers leading into Lake Tahoe do not open until the Saturday preceding Memorial day, and with special regulations. The east fork of the Carson River from Hangman's bridge to the Nevada state line is open with artificial lures or flies with a limit of two fish 14 inches and larger. But if you go upstream from Hangman's bridge. You are allowed five fish at any size and can use lures, flies or bait. I took a drive up through Alpine county last weekend, before the snow came. and the area is starting to turn a nice shade of green, and still a little snow around the edges. I urge all that venture to the area to be cautious around the burn area. There are many burnt snags still standing, but for how long is the question.  Also due to the Tamarack fire, many of the campgrounds are still closed for safety reasons.  Make sure you check ahead of time before you venture out for the official California opening day fishing season 2022.

SILVER LAKE:  The lake was 90 percent thawed out last week. The water level is low, but is rising a little each day.. The boat ramp is open for smaller vessels. There was some ice between the ramp and the lake. The parking area was clear but the rest rooms were not open yet for the season.

CAPLES LAKE: There was open waters by the dam and the spillway. Also a little open water by Woods Creek area. Be careful if you hike down to the area as there is still a bit of snow on the ground. The Caples Lake Resort is looking to open in Mid May. The day use area is still closed to vehicles. The campground was still closed as of this week. The lake should ice off within the next couple weeks. The resort is now taking  reservations for the summer fall season.

RED LAKE: The lake is still iced over as of last week, but is very unsafe to venture out on. Ice fishing is officially over. The lake should be ice free within a week or so.

WOODS LAKE: Still closed.

BLUE LAKES: The road is only open to the 1st gate.

BURNSIDE LAKE: Still closed

INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The campground is closed for the 2022 season. The lake was planted last week by CDFW with 4000 lbs of catchable trout. Both roads are open, but use caution with our recent weather events.

:  Closed due to the Tamarack fire. Some may be temporary. Check with the Alpine County Chamber of commerce for more information at 530-694-2475.

UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER, TROUT CREEK, TAYLOR CREEK: All on the south end of Lake Tahoe closed to fishing until July 4th.

CARSON RIVER WEST FORK CALIFORNIA SIDE: The river is running high and is not very clear. Alpine County is scheduled to plant the rivers next week.  The CDFW is scheduled to plant the rivers with catchable rainbows this week.The river is open to catch and release, lures and flies only with barbless hooks until April 30th. For more information, or to make reservations for RV or tent camping. Contact the Carson River Resort at 530-694-2229

WEST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE: Waters were running perfect last weekend. Alpine County is scheduled to plant the river next week. Catch and release with lures or flies with barbless hooks until April 30th. For more information stop by the Creekside Inn.

HIGHLAND LAKES- KINNEY LAKE: closed due to Ebbetts pass is still closed for the season.

MONITOR PASS: As of last week the pass was open. I would recommend checking CALTRANs website for updates.

TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level has gone down over the past week or so. Both docks at the Douglas County park are in the water. The shore line in the park is diminishing on the east side for  dry camping. But the park has RV and tent sites available within the park. Shore fishing has been slow to fair. Trollers have done good in the early morning to mid afternoon. I fished a couple weeks ago with Tom Blotter. We caught and released 27 rainbows and a couple tiger trout. Most were in the 12 to 16 inch class. The Topaz Marina is open for boat launching and mooring. For more information, stop by the Topaz Landing Marina and meet the New owner John.

NDOW RECENT FISH PLANTS: West Walker river, Wilson Common Pond, Seaman Pond, Baily Pond, Mitch Pond, Wall canyon Pond, Marilys Pond, Davis Creek Pond. Carson River Douglas County.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you get a picture of your catch. Send it to sports@recordcourier.com. I hope to see you on the waters soon. Mark your calendar for June 4th and 5th for the Lampe Park Kids free fishing day. Good fishin' and tight lines.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to nevada@fishreports.com. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.

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