Saltwater Fish Report for 4-16-2009
CDFG Press Release: California Outdoors Q&As
by Marine Management News
(916) 322-8639
Contact: Carrie Wilson, Office of Communications, [email protected]
Question: I know this is the courtship and nesting season for turkeys
and that they roost in trees at night, but where do they nest and for
how long? I'm seeing lots of toms right now but not many hens and have
not found any sitting on nests. How soon before the newly hatched chicks
will be out and on their own? Thanks for any insight. (Dwayne J.)
Answer: In most areas, nests can be found in a shallow dirt depression
surrounded by moderately woody vegetation that conceals the nest. Hens
look for locations close to food and water and with ample cover to
safely conceal the hen and her poults (chicks) once hatched. Hens are
very leery of predators, such as coyotes and fox, but do leave the nest
unattended for brief periods to feed and drink.
Hens will lay a clutch of 10 to 12 eggs during a two-week period,
usually laying one egg per day. She will incubate her eggs for about 28
days, occasionally turning and rearranging them, until they are ready to
A newly-hatched flock must be ready to leave the nest to feed within 12
to 24 hours. Poults eat insects, berries and seeds while adults will eat
anything from acorns and berries to insects and small reptiles. Turkeys
usually feed in early morning and in the afternoon.
For more information on wild turkeys, check the California Department
of Fish and Game (DFG) hunting Web site at
and the National Wild Turkey Federation Web site at
Turkey Photo available at:
Question: I have some sponsors interested in helping host some fishing
events to benefit military men and women who have returned from duty
overseas and now have combat-related injuries or disabilities. Can any
special provisions be made to waive license fees for the troops during
these hosted fishing trips? What about for these veteran individuals who
just want to go fishing on their own? Would you be so kind to explain
what opportunities there may be and who I would contact? (Randy H., La
Answer: Yes, there are "Free Group Fishing Permits" available
allowing for free fishing under certain conditions and the requirements
for these permits are very clear and specific (F&G Code Section 7151
[d-e]). With this approved form, the following persons may fish under
this authority:
??? Mentally or physically disabled persons
??? Active duty military personnel receiving inpatient care in a military or Veteran's Administration hospital
??? Veterans with service connected disabilities
The Fish and Game Code 7151(d) allows for these special sport fishing licenses to be issued to groups of mentally or physically handicapped persons under the care of:
1) A certified federal, state, county, city, or private licensed care center, or
2) Organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, or
3) Schools or school districts.
Employees of private licensed care centers, tax-exempt organizations, schools or school districts are also exempt from Section 7145 only while assisting physically or mentally disabled persons fishing under the authority of a valid license issued pursuant to this section.
For more on free and reduced-fee fishing licenses, please go to The Free Group Fishing Permit application forms can be obtained through our License and Revenue Branch office in Sacramento.
Question: I have a question about sturgeon. The sturgeon report card
says I must stop fishing once I take a legal sized sturgeon, so does
this mean I am then done fishing for the day, even for other species?
Thanks for any help. (Jeff D.)
Answer: Regulations prohibit you from continuing to fish for sturgeon
that day once you have caught and tagged one on that specific day. This
includes even catch and release fishing for them. If you do catch
another sturgeon accidentally, you must immediately release it. The best
thing to do is once you have a keeper sturgeon on board, move to another
area and change your rigging and methods so that you are targeting
different species. Once you have caught and tagged your yearly limit of
three sturgeon, you cannot fish for sturgeon again until the next year.
Question: Can we use tools to pry mussels off the rocks and pier
pilings or must we pick them just by hand? (Tran N.)
Answer: You may not use any tools for the take for saltwater mussels.
The only methods allowed for taking mussels are by hook-and-line (which
probably won't work) or by hand (FGC 29.10[a]).
Carrie Wilson is a marine biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game. Her DFG-related question and answer column appears weekly at While she cannot personally answer everyone's questions, she will select a few to answer each week. Please contact her at [email protected]
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