Fish Report for 9-4-2018
Doug Busey Report
by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers, I have been away fishing in Oregon and the northern California coastal waters for a few weeks. The fishing was phenomenal, but so happy to get back to the local fall fishing in our local area lakes and streams. On my second day back in town, I fished with my fishing partner Tom Blotter from Minden NV. We headed to Topaz for a morning of trial and error. We fished from 7am to 11:30 am, we boated and released a dozen fish from 14" to 8 pounds. I did say approx 8 lbs. We were fishing the deep waters of the lake 40 to 50 feet with a Thomas Buoyant spoon and hooked one of the largest trout I have caught in Topaz Lake. The rainbow was 27 inches long and very healthy looking. Took enough time to snap a photo and released him back to the lake. This was truly a fun day of fishing. Topaz Lake will be open to fishing until the end of September, then will close until January, 2019, where I am hoping to catch that beauty once again. I plan on doing a lot of late summer fishing in the next couple weeks and will have a full report for you then.
CAPLES LAKE; The lake level has gone done about 8 feet. The evening s have also gone down in temperature to the low 30's. Bring a coat if you fish the early morning bite. Monika caught a nice 4 lb trout using power bait on the south end of the dam. Boaters have been doing fair with Rapalas or medium flashers and a half a worm. The resort will be open until the middle of October and will close for the season. For more information stop by the Caples Lake Resort.
RED LAKE; A few small rainbows have come in on Powerbait from the left side of the dam. I personally with be waiting for some ice fishing in a few months.
BLUE LAKES; The road is open and the fishing has been very slow, due to low water conditions and that most of the people up there are campers.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR; The water level is down a little and the algae is still heavy on the lake. If you fish it right, there are a lot of 2 pound and plus in the lake. Powerbaiters, use a longer leader from 3 to 4 feet on your sliding sinker. This will get you up above the weeds and into the fish. Lure anglers use a Thomas Buoyant spoon and keep it on top right over the weeds. The fishing down in those weeds will come up and explode on that spoon. try various colors to see what they are hitting on. I still use my silver 1/2 ounce Subaru spoon made by friend Paul Aguilara.
EAST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE; Last week Alpine County planted 1800 lbs of trout. Fishing has been good for anglers with small spinners or salmon eggs. For the faster waters use power nuggets. Phil at the Carson River resort reported many stringers of good sized rainbows coming in over the weekend. The river as running perfect and my advice would be to venture away from the road way and fish in the hike to areas. For more information stop by the Carson River Resort.
WEST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE; The water level is low. I would suggest fishing the canyon area between Woodfords and Sorensons resort. There are a lot of hidden places not many anglers venture to, and I think the fish know that. Salmon eggs have been most productive.
TOPAZ LAKE; Water level is way down. For boaters, watch those willow bushes on the north end. They are just visible above the water line. Make sure to keep an eye on the depth finder as those places you fished a month ago, are at least 10 feet shallower. Early morning Rapalas or Thomas Buoyants have been producing fish. Flasher and a worm have also been productive. As the day goes on you need to get the down riggers out and go deeper. The surface temps are still up even thought he air temps have lowered. Note to anglers using the county ramp. As of January 2019, they will no longer accept cash for day use or boat launching. You will need to purchase an annual pass at the Parks Dept in Douglas County or pay with a credit card. The last day to fish the lake this year will be September 30, 2019. Then will close until January 1,2019.
PYRAMID LAKE; Anglers mark your calendar for Monday September 1st. Pyramid lake will open for the fall/winter season. I would suggest if you have not fished the lake to go to their website for all the information, rules and regulations. A tribal permit is required to fish the lake. I learned a new regulation this year. You can purchase a second rod permit if you desire. Me personally, with the fish you catch in the lake, one rod enough for me. The largest fished reported that I have seen was a 44 pound Lohontan Cutthroat. How is that for size.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. Hope to see you on the waters.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
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