Eastern Seirra Report

by Doug Busey

Hello fellow anglers, Well we are over the full moon and time to get down the final days of fishing in some areas. Before you venture out, a couple tips. Clean off your headlights for those early morning drives and don't forget to check or change you wiper fluid to winter grade. Nothing worse then having to squirt your windshield on a cold morning and get an ice slushy mess. Note your calendar, nest week on November 4th, we turn our clock back an hour, and to top it off, fishing will close for most streams in California as well as lakes in Inyo and Mono counties on November 15th. But don't hang up your gear just yet. We have plenty of areas to fish in our local areas until ice fishing starts and the Topaz Lake opener begins on January 1,2019.

SILVER LAKE: The lake level is way down. A group of anglers fished by the spillway and caught a few planter rainbows. Powerbait or kastmasters were most productive.

CAPLES LAKE: The Caples Lake Resort is closed down for the season. The EID boat ramp will close any day now. Fishing has been good for shore anglers. Blake Rosenthal from Rocklin CA caught a 7 lb brown by the spillway using worms. This time of year is good for larger browns and rainbows trying to fatten up for a long winter ahead.

BLUE LAKES: The road was still open as of this week. Fishing has been fair on the upper lake and slow on the lower lake. Night crawlers  or kastmasters has been most productive.

WOODS LAKE; The campground is closed for the season. The road was still open as of last weekend. Fishing is fair for small rainbows.

RED LAKE: Fishing is rated at slow. A couple anglers reported in with a couple in the 10 to 13 inch range. The lake does hold some good sized cutthroat and rainbow trout.  I personal have had better luck for larger fish ice fishing. That will usually start in late December or earlier January.

INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The lake level has dropped. The weeds are getting better, but are still plentiful. A few anglers have been using Gulp or powerbait by the dam and catching a few of those Alpine County trout that were planted last month. Karen Houdescheldt From Carson City NV  was fishing with her friend David Fuentes a couple weeks ago and caught a couple of those nice rainbows. Recently the lake is either on or off. I fished with Tom Blotter last weekend and we caught and released 3 rainbows.

TOPAZ LAKE: Closed until January 1 2019. Will have all the details on the new fishing derby soon.

WEST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE: The river is low and the fishing has been the same. The CDFW planted the river last week with some catchable sized rainbows. My advise is to get away from the bridges and walk up or downstream. This is where you will find the fish holding. for more information stop by  The Creekside Inn.

EAST FORK CARSON RIVER CALIFORNIA SIDE: The Alpine County  Fish Commission will be planting trophy sized rainbows this week. Average is 3- to 9 lbs. Time to get in some last minute river fishing. The flows are running very good and the water is crystal clear. For ore information stop by the Creekside Inn.

CARSON RIVER NEVADA SIDE: Fishing is open all year in Nevada. The NDOW planted the broken dam above Gardnerville a couple weeks ago.

HEENAN LAKE: Last weekend to fish the lake, which is located on Monitor pass. Fishing has been rated as fair. There are strict rules to abide by. Catch and release, barbless hook, artificial lures or flies only.

No phone. Of course! With the fairly mild weather the back country is still a good choice. I hit Mine Creek Basin out of Tioga Pass this past Sat. and Sun. catching and releasing close to 70 brilliantly colored Brook Trout. Most are in the 6" to 8"  range with a few larger and a ton of fun throwing flies and/or small lures. Any of the back country waters in or near The Loop are a great way to change things up.

GRANT LAKE: No phone. Marina and boat ramp are closed. The Brown Trout action has picked up after a slow summer. Dan Dan the Guide Man, 661)478-0036, still has a boat on the water and his clients have been doing well using his unique trolling method. With spin gear dragging Rapalas and using a fly rod/sink line set up with streamers. Either of these can be mimicked from tubes or kayaks and even from shore. Again, change those tactics and keep moving.

SILVER LAKE: Silver Lake Resort 760)648-7525. Resort and Marina are closed until next season. Public boat ramp is usable I believe till end of this season. Shore fishing has slowed so change up your approach and be persistent. My buddy John from La Jolla and Duke his dog hauled in a 7-1/2 pound Oregon Rainbow last Sat. using Garlic Pinched Crawlers with at least 5' leader. Took a bit of time but it paid off. Duke was beside himself.

RUSH CREEK: Starting to see some Browns coming up out of Grant Lake and down from Silver. Try tossing Panther Martins, Thomas Bouyants, and Rapalas or streamers with a fly rod. Do as my brother and I like to say "Shoot and Scoot". In other words, keep casting and moving to cover as much water as possible.

GULL LAKE: Gull Lake Marina 760)648-7539. Marina and boat ramp due to close Oct. 31st. After dumping a load of Desert Springs big'ns on Oct. 5th folks have been getting some nice trophies. Recent catches include a 7-1/4lb, 23" Rainbow and a stringer weighing in at 27lbs-4ozs by Kurt with The Gold Ol' Boys group.

JUNE LAKE: June Lake Marina 760)648-7726 (closing Oct. 28th) and Big Rock Resort 760)658-7717 (closing Oct. 31st). The Marina released another batch of their Oregon Rainbows last week. Along with that and the continuing good Cutthroat season June is best fished trolling lead core down to 8 colors. After the marinas close ya gotta get on the water with tubes or kayaks as mentioned or from shore using that two rod method while moving along. June Lake area report provided by Ernie's Tackle and Ski Shop, they can be reached at 760-648-7756.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you get a photo of your catch, send it to cwhisnand@nevadaappeal.com. Have question or a fishing report for our local area, call the Naw line at 775-267-9722. I do apologize my fellow anglers. With all the political phone calls the Naw line got plugged up last week. Leave a message and I will get back to you. Good fishin' and tight lines.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to nevada@fishreports.com. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.

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