Lake Sabrina Fishing Report

Lake Sabrina - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff

Tis an awesome season we’re having and the best part – BOTH DOCKS ARE IN, PONTOONS ARE IN, MORE BOATS THAN WE’VE HAD ON THE LAKE IN A LONG TIME AND, THE BEST, THE LAKE IS ABOUT 3’ FROM FULL – Yup, who would have thought it! Edison actually put floats in front of the spillway in anticipation. Oh, and did I mention it’s a nice and cool 75 degrees with a nice breeze.

Fishing this week was a bit on the slow side and the winds didn’t help. NightCrawlers, Salmon Eggs, PowerBait and Jigs are all working at the Inlets. Drifting NightCrawlers in the channels or by the rock piles. As far as trolling, not many tried this week due to the wind, but at some point it will turn about – maybe it will start with you! Bill Westman of Anaheim landed a nice 3-pound Rainbow using a Thomas Cyclone. It was a family affair at the Lake for the Edgerton, Gove, Bridges, Borst and Proctor clan – Mike Proctor nabbed his first Lake Sabrina limit and the Borsts picked up another of many limits caught at the Lake. DFW have gone to the weekly stockings – got a nice one last Thursday.

The George Creek is surging over the Blue Lake trail – stay safe out there. Remember to leave a note about your destination and approximate return time and a clothing description. And you might want to hike with a buddy.

The House Wrens update: lots of little bugs and worms being flown into the nesting area – not sure if mama’s just sitting on eggs or if the eggs have hatched – stay tuned. Sure is nice listening to their songs. The juvenile Bald Eagle is flexing its wings more and more at the back of the Lake – keep your eyes open!

And, we’ve got wildflowers starting to bloom. The Yellow Columbine is blooming thru a bench a bench out front as well as on the other side of the fence. The White Canadian Lilac is spreading its beautiful scent along the path from the building down to the launch ramp. And the Purple Penstemons are just about ready to pop. If you’re prone to allergies, the Pine Trees are pollenating – don’t forget your meds.

Well, the Skeeters didn’t get taken out by the cold or the wind; they are here and here with a vengeance. Heard they were particularly nasty up at the North Lake campground. When using the bug juice, try not to get it on your hands – you’ll transfer it to your bait and the fish just don’t like bug juice or sunscreen or lotion or cologne or perfume. Wash your hands in the stream or Lake to get it off, and then use some fish attractant on your hands. If you’re coming to the Lake, don’t forget sunscreen and dark glasses –the snow and sun makes it pretty bright against the blue sky. DON’T FORGET THAT JACKET.

Summer is definitely here – high temps fluctuating between the low 80s and high 70s thru the week and weekend. Lows are expected to be in the mid to upper 40s for the same time period. There was a chance of ThunderBoomers in the forecast earlier in the week (and we did get a few sprinkles on Sunday), but those are gone now, but you never know. You can check out the weather forecast according to Howard our local weather ‘guesser’ at You can also check out – enter Aspendell, CA (which is the little community right below Lake Sabrina) in the search field and you’ll get the forecast for at the higher elevation. You may need to scroll down on the webpage to see the temps.

Fishing etiquette is becoming a bit of a problem at the Lake and we don’t like problems. If you come upon someone fishing, please don’t fish right next to them – take a bit of hike farther down and don’t cast over into their spot. Same at the Inlet, there are so many areas to fish on this Lake go find another ‘soon to be’ favorite spot.

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