DFG's Orange County Senior Volunteer Program Schedules Second Academy for New Recruits

(916) 445-0411

ORANGE COUNTY ??? The Department of Fish and Game's (DFG) highly successful Senior Volunteer Program is seeking new recruits for its second training academy. Those interested have until Jan. 16, 2006 to get in their applications.

The 80-hour training course, which begins Jan. 23, is designed to invest conservation training in the volunteers, who, in turn, will pass along to the public. The program is open to those over the age of 50 who reside in Orange County. The program's mission, said Joseph Torres, DFG volunteer coordinator, is to provide conservation and enforcement education in public service. Depending on the needs of DFG, volunteers perform a variety of important tasks, such as assisting in public safety and nuisance wildlife calls, representing DFG at public outreach events, and assisting in state lands monitoring.

For more information, or to access an application form online, go to http://www.dfg.ca.gov/enforcement/volunteers

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