Bridgeport Fish Report - May 01, 2022

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
The East is running around 54 cfs today. The fishing yesterday was mostly pretty tough, we did have a few good reports on lures as well as a few on flies but there were quite a few anglers who struggled. The anglers we talked to who did the best were using small nymphs and midges like zebra midges, flashback emergers, psycho princes, perdigon nymphs and some fish were caught on squirmy worm. There were several fish reported in the 25” range as well as some pretty good sized whitefish. We didn’t hear anything yet about streamers or dries though as the weather warms up this might change, especially with the lower flows we’ll likely have this season.
The Ranch fished about the same as the California side this weekend with a couple anglers getting into 5 or 6 fish per day and other anglers getting into none or just 1 or 2. All sections of the river seem to be pretty tough overall lately, including the Rosachi, Sceirine, and both the upper and lower sections in California. The anglers who did have some success on the Ranch were mainly using small midge patterns, with a few hook ups also coming on San Juan worms.
The Reservoir fished pretty well this weekend, most anglers didn’t necessarily get into limits of fish but there were lots of nice rainbows in the 3 to 8 pound range as well as some browns in the 2 pound range. There were successful shore anglers as well as anglers fishing from boats and tubes. Several of the fly anglers we talked with struggled down near the dam while stillwater nymphing with just a few fish being caught with that technique. Trollers seemed to have the best luck with Rapalas, nightcrawlers and Thomas Bouyants while bait anglers did well with power bait, inflated crawlers, pinched crawlers and a few fish were caught on mice tails.
We didn’t get any news from Kirman this weekend, however, we did talk to one angler who said that last October he did very well on several trips he made up there, and had photos to prove it! Unfortunately we were just able to talk with him today but I feel like this is really great news and those fish he was catching last year will certainly be much larger this season! Hopefully we’ll get some reports soon and will pass them along when we do.
There were lots of really nice fish caught at the Twins this weekend, many rainbows in the 2 to 8 pound range and the Lower lake kicked out a bunch of browns with the largest we heard of weighing in at about 11 pounds. Anglers were catching fish trolling with Rapalas, needlefish and Thomas Bouyants, bait anglers were having success with power bait, pinched crawlers, mice tails and inflated crawlers, both from boats and from the shore.
For some reason we didn’t get any reports from the West Walker this weekend, most of the folks we were able to talk to were fishing closer to Bridgeport than that. As soon as we hear some news from up there we’ll let you know.
We had lots of good reports from the Virginias from anglers fishing through the ice this weekend, with some anglers reporting catching and releasing as many as a dozen fish or more, some fish over 5 pounds were caught as well. Some anglers caught fish jigging with spoons and mini jigs while others did well with power bait, mice tails and night crawlers. It’s tough to say how long the ice will be safe so use your best judgement and as soon as we hear that it’s getting too thin we’ll let you know.
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RANDOM INFORMATION: Well, another opener is in the books with lots of nice fish being caught in the area! It’s pretty windy today, yesterday the wind didn’t pick up until later in the day so it didn’t keep too many anglers off the water. Lots of great events coming up in the area this summer including the Bridgeport Gun Club Gun Rights Dinner, BFEF Trout Tournament, 4th of July celebration, Fishin’ Mission Foundation Labor Day Concert and BBQ just to name a few. We’ll let you know more details as things get closer!
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East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Opening Day Report
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: All sections of the river seem to be pretty tough overall lately
Bridgeport Reservoir: The Reservoir fished pretty well this weekend
Kirman Lake: Kirman Lake Report
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): There were lots of really nice fish caught at the Twins this weekend
West Walker River (CA): West Walker River Report
Virginia Lakes: We had lots of good reports from the Virginias
Bridgeport Reservoir: 7.25lb BFEF
Bridgeport Reservoir: 8lb 4oz BFEF
Big Virginia Lake: Big Virginia Lake BFEF
More Reports
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, May 1st, 2022
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Opening Day Report
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: All sections of the river seem to be pretty tough overall lately
Bridgeport Reservoir: The Reservoir fished pretty well this weekend
Kirman Lake: Kirman Lake Report
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): There were lots of really nice fish caught at the Twins this weekend
West Walker River (CA): West Walker River Report
Virginia Lakes: We had lots of good reports from the Virginias
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Saturday, April 30th, 2022
Bridgeport Reservoir: 7.25lb BFEF
Bridgeport Reservoir: 8lb 4oz BFEF
Big Virginia Lake: Big Virginia Lake BFEF