Bridgeport Fish Report

Nathan bagged this nice 4 pound rainbow on the West Walker today with salmon eggs!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Kens Sporting Goods

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff


The flow on the East is about 106 cfs today. We’re still getting some very warm weather during the days up here though the night time temps are down into the 40’s most nights which is helping keep the water temps at a reasonable level. We’ve had some good reports as well as some not so good reports for the river this past week. The good reports are all from anglers who are getting out early in the morning and fishing until about 9 or 10 or anglers who are hitting the water after 5 or 6 and fishing until dark. Not too much action during the middle of the day, it’s probably best to be doing something else during the day, maybe this is how day drinking was invented?? In the mornings anglers have been having success mainly with caddis nymphs and small midge patterns, though there has been some action with dries like tricos, small parachute adams or small caddis dries. In the evenings it’s been mainly with caddis dries. The water down below the bridge seems to be the most active, this section is more choppy than the Mile section so the fish seem to be happier down there.

Patterns to try: Rainbow warrior, silver streak, san juan worm, squirmy wormy, micro mayflies, top secret midge, darth baetis, buckskin caddis, dark lord, copper John, LaFontaines deep sparkle pupa, z-wing caddis, Fox’s poopah, razor caddis, elk hair caddis, E/C caddis, parachute adams, blue dun, pale morning dun.


As with the California side of the river, the ranch section is definitely best in the mornings and evenings. Anglers have reported having really good action from about 6 in the morning until around 9:30 or so when the fish seemed to just shut off. I’m sure it’s possible to get into some fish during the day but the action will be significantly less than in the mornings and evenings.


We haven’t had anyone on the pond for the last couple weeks, we’re kind of waiting on the weather to cool down a bit and when this happens the action should get better out there.


The Reservoir had a couple good patches of time this week though for most of the week it was pretty tough. There are still a few anglers doing some trolling and we know of at least one 7 pounder that was caught on the troll this week. The perch have become pretty shy lately as well. I think in a few weeks when the weather starts to change to the cooler and the water temperatures start to drop the fishing out there should get much better.


We didn’t hear any news from Kirman this week but will pass on any info we get when it comes in.


There’s still some very nice fish being caught on the Twins lately, not huge numbers of fish but some very good quality. We talked to one angler who caught a nice 5 pound brown trolling, which he released, and he said he also broke off a good fish that he didn’t get close enough to see. There’s been some really nice rainbows in the 2 to 6 pound range being caught as well, both trolling and bait fishing. I would expect fly anglers to also have some success with sinking lines near the inlets of both lakes.


We haven’t had much news from the West Walker this past week, I’m sure the water is low and clear but if you’re sneaky you should be able to pull some fish from some of the deeper pools up there. Panther martins and vibrax spinners are a good bet for lures and drifting eggs or crawlers can produce some fish for bait. Fly anglers should still be able to use hopper/dropper rigs as well as small attractor dries or nymphs.


We’re still getting some good reports from the Virginias, again, not huge numbers of fish but some very good quality fish. The action hasn’t been off the hook for everyone but there are some anglers having good days up there. As with the other waters in the area it’s best to be on the water early or late in the day. Mice tails and power bait are still working for bait anglers, mini jigs and Kastmasters have produced some fish for the lure anglers. Fly anglers can get some fish with sinking lines and small leech patterns and soft hackles.

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Upper and Lower Twin both were stocked this past week by the DFW, the fish that went in appeared to be good sized this trip. The Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation is stocking this coming week, they have fish going into Upper Twin, Robinson Creek, Virginia Creek, Trumbull Lake and Little Virginia Lake. Ken’s Sporting Goods has also teamed up with them to put a load of fish into Bridgeport Reservoir this coming week. All of the fish they are planting this week will be an average of 4 pounds. The BFEF also has plans to plant Big Virginia Lake a few weeks from now.

We’ve of course been getting some smoke in the area from some of the large fires that are burning in California, some days it can be pretty bad while other days it’s not too bad. Right now we can easily see the mountains all around the valley but there is definitely some smoke out there. We’ve heard from lots of customers who have come here from areas that are much worse off than we are and they are still coming here to get away from it a bit. Of course it can change from day to day depending on how the wind is blowing.

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: Bridgeport Fishing Report


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