MLPA Initiative South Coast News: Issue 2

(916) 445-0411

The most recent meeting of the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group put me in a festive mood ??? just in time for the holidays ??? as we introduced a new product to help with our outreach efforts. Our recently unveiled new brochure to help encourage public participation. We will be using our Key Communicator and regional stakeholder group networks to help distribute the brochure far and wide. Attached to this email is a electronic copy of the brochure and please contact us if you would like to receive a print copy.

On behalf of the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative, I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season. Your comments and participation continue to be a vital part of the process ??? keep it up!

~Ken Wiseman, Executive Director

Blue Ribbon Task Force
Agenda & Meeting Materials

On November 4, 2008 in Los Angeles, the task force held its second public meeting. The task force kicked off the morning with a field trip to various sites in San Pedro to provide an opportunity for task force members to interact with public educators, commercial and recreational fishermen, resource managers and fisheries-dependent business operators. The task force visited Tri-Marine Fish Company, Fish Harbor, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Point Fermin State Marine Park and L.A. Harbor Sportfishing.

In the afternoon the task force met at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel and adopted:

A revised strategy for stakeholder and interested public participation
The 2009 calendar of meetings for the MLPA South Coast Study Region
A modification to the task force operating procedures to clarify decision making in the absence of consensus

In addition, the task force directed MLPA staff to:

Provide a written report indicating the status of implementing recommendations from the north central coast lessons learned report

Develop a memo summarizing key policy guidance provided by the task force in previous study regions.

The task force will meet again on Wednesday, December 10 and will have a special meeting with the California Fish and Game Commission on December 11, both in Sacramento.

Science Advisory Team
Agenda & Meeting Materials

On November 12, 2008, the third meeting of the MLPA Master Plan Science Advisory Team (SAT) took place in Los Angeles. During this meeting, the SAT approved:

A presentation on the exisiting northern Channel Islands to be delivered to the California Fish and Game Commission

Two presentations - fish movement and habitats - specific to the south coast study region to be presented to the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group
Five distinct bioregions within the south coast study region

A list of proposed key and unique habitats

The SAT also heard updates from SAT work groups that are developing guidance and criteria to better describe levels of protection, size and spacing, species likely to benefit and restored habitats

The next SAT meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 17 in Los Angeles.

Regional Stakeholder Group
Agenda & Meeting Materials

The second meeting of the South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group (SCRSG) was held in Ventura on November 18 & 19, 2008. The SCRSG received informational briefings on:

Key regional topics including: marine habitats and ecosystems, adult movement and larval dispersal, Ecotrust fisheries uses and values project and commercial and recreational fisheries in the study region

Guidelines used by the Science advisory team, California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Parks and Recreation and the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force to review draft proposals for marine protected areas

MarineMap, a new tool to be used in assisting with creating of marine protected area proposals. The SCRSG was also presented with a draft document outlining goals and objectives for the study region. After discussion and deliberation by the SCRSG, the goals and objectives were revised to account for SCRSG comments. Further revisions will be made to incorporate remaining comments and transmitted to the SCRSG in advance of the January 13 & 14 meeting in San Diego.

Public Meetings
All meetings are open to the public and are also simultaneously webcast on the day of the meeting at the MLPA Initiative website.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @ 1:30 p.m.
Blue Ribbon Task Force
Clarion Hotel and Mansion Inn
700 - 16th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 9:00 a.m.
Special joint meeting with the California Fish and Game Commission
Blue Ribbon Task Force
Resources Building Auditorium
1416 Ninth Street, First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @ 9:30 a.m.
Science Advisory Team
Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel
6101 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 & Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Regional Stakeholder Group
San Diego
Location to be determined

All meeting agendas are posted to the MLPA website at least a week in advance of the meeting and meeting materials are posted as soon as they become available. In addition to the simultaneous webcast of meetings, the video and audio archives are posted to the website within two days of each meeting.

Events & Activities

Suggestions for upcoming community events to inform the public on the south coast process are welcome! A special thank you to those Key Communicators who have been distributing MLPA Initiative information to a wider public. To learn how you can become a Key Communicator, contact the MLPA Initiative Public Outreach and Education Team via email or call 310-738-2665.

Who designs MPAs in the MLPA Initiative process?
Alternative MPA proposals are developed by a regional stakeholder group (RSG) in a collaborative public process. MPA proposals are based on the MLPA-mandated "best readily available science," as outlined in a master plan for marine protected areas and guided by the input and scientific evaluations of a science advisory team. Both the California Department of Fish and Game and California Department of Parks and Recreation provide advice and guidance to the RSG throughout the process. Development of MPA proposals is overseen by the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force, which provides policy guidance and ultimately, based on the proposals developed by the RSG, forwards a final recommendation to the California Fish and Game Commission. Public comments and participation are encouraged during the entire MLPA process.

Is there a minimum total area or pre-determined percentage of how much of each study region needs to be put into marine protected areas (MPAs)?
There is no total area or minimum percentages designated to be set aside for MPAs in each study region. The MPA design process is based on the goals and objectives of the MLPA and a set of scientific guidelines, outlined in a master plan for MPAs, for achieving a sound network. These guidelines do not set a specific percentage to include in MPAs; rather they provide a range of guidance for individual MPA size, distance between MPAs and information on key habitats and species likely to benefit from MPAs.

The success of the MLPA largely depends on the continued involvement of the public. There are a number of ways that members of the public can participate in this process:

Stay informed
Sign up for the MLPA email list
Attend meetings or view live or archived web-casts of meetings
Provide feedback

Submit feedback on documents open for public comment
Provide comment at meetings
Submit formal letters or written comment
Participate in workshops and pubic information presentations
Contact a member of the regional stakeholder group
Submit comments, ideas and suggestions to [email protected]
Spread the word

Circulate South Coast News far and wide to help ensure others in your community are aware of the MLPA Initiative, upcoming meetings and opportunities for public involvement
Distribute our new brochure (attached) - post it on your website, circulate it via listservs and/or print it for distribution at community events
If you are a leader in your community and/or have access to a large number of constituents, become a Key Communicator. Contact the Public Outreach and Education Team via email or call 310-928-1537 to learn more

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