Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions

Shot taken 5/14/18 mid afternoon on Crowley Lake. Big T-Storm rolling through!

by Tom Loe

Hello Anglers, Fishing has been great here this spring and continues to improve with some exceptional fish in various locations. Weather has been very mild during the morning with some afternoon thunder showers moving in mid-day. The bite on Crowley lake has been really good most days with good numbers of midges emerging throughout the warm periods of the day. Rainbows, browns, and cutthroats are showing up daily! 

The Upper Owens has decreased in flows slightly from last report. Water is off color with some debris. Isolated pods of cutthroat can be found down from the CDFW sign near the lake, but they are thin in numbers here this year. The C & R section all the way to Long Years has few fish, and currently not worth the effort. Some smaller browns and bows above the bridge but no cutty’s.

The East Walker continues to have ideal conditions, and a consistent bite. Flows have been holding steady the last few days. Midge and mayfly patterns like crystal tigers/zebras, broken back midges, gillies, Assassins, and flashback Pt’s are good calls. Attractors can also get grabs during the off hatch periods. Still some surface action on the right days using BWO profiles.

Hot Creek fishing well during the nicer weather periods. Dry fly action with mayfly, and small dark caddis will get looks. Run-off on Mammoth Creek may cause turbid conditions and slow down the bite.

Middle Owens drift boat trips have slowed due to higher flows from Rock Creek, and Bishop Creek. Decent conditions for wading the section up from HWY. 6 crossing, to the dam below Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Caddis, PMD’s, damsels, and small midges all on the trouts menu.

Bridgeport Reservoir also good for planters, and some thick holdovers from last fall. Find the mud bottoms/gaps in the pond weed near Rainbow Pt., the channels in Buckeye Bay, and the Walker channel by the BPR Marina.

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Sierra Drifters Reports
for Sunday, May 6th, 2018
: Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions
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Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens Fishing Report
McGee Creek: McGee Creek Report
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
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Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions
Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

Fish’N Conditions Flows have moved significantly higher on the East Walker (235cfs), this may slow the bite down until the...... Read More



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