Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions
Eastern Sierra Fishing Report
by Tom Loe
Flows have increased significantly in most of the year around fisheries making for poor water conditions, and slow “catching”. Heavy rain at the upper elevations has caused creeks and rivers to swell from run-off. The high water trend will most likely continue through opening weekend on 4/28/18 in most areas. Spring storms are forecast to move through the region every 5-7 days for an extended period. The Middle Owens, Upper Owens, & Hot Creek are off the bite due to high/turbid water. East Walker, & the Gorge are in the best shape currently.
The general trout opener is on 4/28/18. Crowley Lake, Bridgeport Reservoir, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Convict Lake, & the June Lake Loop will all have ice free conditions and good access. Road closures for locations above 8000 feet are likely due to heavy March snows, and a wet April.
We are looking forward to some good early season fishing on Crowley & Bridgeport Reservoirs. I have seen some large chironomids (midges) emerging already. The lakes have remained ice free for most of winter, & water levels are nearing capacity. With high flows on most moving waters, the larger lakes will be the best option for early season success. The cutthroat trout migrations on the Upper Owens and McGee Creek have not begun yet in substantial numbers. This dynamic can change suddenly, especially under current conditions. There are a few “scouts” on the UO; however water flows have moved up recently making conditions more difficult. Some smaller rainbows are sipping BWO’s, & midges on the warmer days.
The East Walker flows have dropped recently (175cfs) making for decent water conditions. With a warming trend forecast the next few days , the EW could go on the bite.
The drift boat bite has been on and off with respect to rising water. If flows stabilize for a few days the fish adjust -and the trout go back on the chew. Hit it on a flow increase, and it sucks!
Power generation will be sporadic at Pleasant Valley Reservoir making it tough to fish the river and transition section. Pine/Rock Creek is running high making for turbid water. Tubing is your best shot at a good day using full sinks and streamers.
Middle Owens River (Bishop Area)
Flows are currently at 350cfs, trending up, and fishing is slow. If releases stabilize; or decrease for several days the bite picks up. Wading the wild trout section is very difficult at this level. Still a decent BWO hatch coming off with a few stoneflies showing. Streamers like Spruce-A-Bu’s, Loebegrs, and Crystal Leeches used with a heavy sinking tip line are the right call under these conditions. Heavily weighted nymph rigs with standard; or parallel Assassins, flashback pheasant tails, and parallel punk perch can get you grabs below an Under-Cato
Upper Owens River
Flows have increased significantly, and the bite has decreased! Water is stained, & nasty below Hot Creek. Some of the access roads remain a mess due to ice, deep mud, and large puddles in the two track ruts. It gets tricky for access after the ground thaws in some sections. The cutthroat numbers remain low. There are a few husky spring rainbows showing up, with decent numbers of catchable bows and browns on the warmer days. Numbers should steadily increase through April-peak around the general trout opener, with migratory fish hanging around through most of May. Crystal Eggs, San Juan Worms, #16-18 Assassins (dark and light), #14-16 Crystal Leeches, and #16-20 Copper Tiger Midge, Zebra Midge, and Gillies have been good patterns fished with plenty of weight below an Under-Cator.
Hot Creek
Flows spiked way up here during the recent rains, & the water will be high, & off color for a few days. Numbers are decent here during warmer periods; with fish holding in the deeper slots and pools. Best bite occurs during early afternoon when the BWO’s are emerging. Large midge hatches coming off during a high barometer. Dry dropper rigs with a #16-18 Para Hi-Vis BWO and a #22 Gillie dropper 12″-18″ below is a consistent rig currently. When you observe those noses sipping the adults in the suds, remove the dropper, and dope up those high wings so they ride high on the surface. Longer leaders, & light tippet in the 5-6x class is best. During off hatch periods try attractor patterns fished with/without an Under-cator. You can get into some of the larger fish using this method during the spring months.
Pleasant Valley Reservoir
Lake level is coming up due to run-off. With sporadic hydro power generation now occurring, & Pine/Rock Creek swelling- conditions in the river section, & transition area have deteriorated. If the powerhouse is churning, go elsewhere unless you are planning on tubing the lake proper. Full sinking lines fished along the steep shoreline drop-offs using patterns like Loebergs, Crystal Leeches, Parallel Punk Perch, Parallel Agent Orange, & Spruce-A-Bu’s are good calls for “freeze tubers” during the winter. Locals call PVR “little Crowley” as fly fishers in the know will use still water nymphing techniques to score big numbers during periods of stable water levels. Set your “Under-Cators” to suspend those broken back midges, crystal tiger/zebra midges, gillies, & Assassins around the 12-14 foot depth. The inlet section is historically the most consistent section to fish. This diverse fishery also allows you to move into the short river section that feeds the lake. Looking much like the East Walker, this short; but sweet section has plenty of pocket water and riffles that hold holdover rainbows and browns that move into the heavy brush during periods of lower flows. Dry/dropper rigs using para hi-vis BWO’s, Stimulators, and hi-vis caddis patterns as your upper; with crystal tiger midges, crystal olive caddis larva, & parallel; or standard assassins as a nymph. The transition area that dumps into the lake has slower moving/deeper water that requires the use of an Under-Cator, or longer dropper off your dry. This is perhaps the most fertile area of the lake, & competent roll casters may get huge days here while making extended drifts in the foam lines. The trout will concentrate here to feed on the abundant chironomid, & mayflies that come off throughout the cooler months.
The Gorge
Flows have moved up significantly making for improved conditions. The best bite occurs during the BWO hatch mid-day. Use lighter weight rods here with a mayfly adult or go with a dry/dropper combination. Our Parachute hi-vis BWO is an excellent pattern as your dry. FB PT’s, Assassins, & small midge emergers are good calls for the dropper nymph.
East Walker River
Flows have been doing the “Yo-Yo” the last week as the irrigation folks try to mange the ever moody weather pattern that has settled in. Currently it is looking juicy here with flows having lowered to 175cfs. Warmer weather will trigger some solid midge, & mayfly activity. Tugging streamers like Spruce-A-Bu’s and Loebergs in the larger pools can get a bad Leroy brown to come out and attack.
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