Fish’N Conditions

by Tom Loe

The Middle Owens down to a trickle, 75cfs below the dam at Pleasant Valley R. Focus on the deepest pools, & the riffles at the base of them during the hatches.  Solid blue winged olive activity after mid-day. 

Water is being drawn out of Grant Lake and into the Upper Owens making the flows high in this area. A fresh push of Crowley Steelhead have moved  onto the gravel beds despite the poor water conditions. Warmer days are triggering large micro midge hatches for the smaller resident fish to feed on. Watch the mud in some areas, it is nasty after the ground thaws, & you can get stuck. 

The East Walker River is kicking out quality rainbows; but low in numbers. Flows are well above average for this period which have the trout spread out, & not just concentrated in the deeper pools. Have those adult BWO patterns handy after lunch, & focus on the tailouts during the hatch. 

Hot Creek access remains fine. Numbers are good for smaller fish that are eager to hit midge clusters, and first generation blue winged olives after mid-day. 

The “catching” has been very good in the inlet area, & short river section below the powerhouse at Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Dry dropper rigs are the hot ticket. Freeze tubers are also scoring good numbers using full sinks and streamers like Loebergs, & Spruce-A-Bu’s. Work the drop-off on the west shoreline from the launch ramp towards the inlet. 

Drift boat trips have been kicking out big numbers of mostly smaller planted fish. We are connecting with some larger hold over rainbows and browns using Spruce-A-Bu’s, Loebergs, & parallel Punk Perch patterns. Increasing opportunities for dry fly action using BWO’s.

Moody weather with moderate snow accumulations above 8000 the next few days with an extended warming trend for next week.


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More Reports

Tom Loe Reports
for Monday, November 27th, 2017
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River 11/27/17
Owens River - Middle: Middle Owens River (Bishop Area) 11/27/17
Hot Creek: Hot Creek 11/27/17
Owens River: The Gorge 11/27/17
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fish Report
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fish Report
Bridgeport Reservoir: Bridgeport Reservoir Fish Report
Jurassic Pond (Private): Jurassic Pond Fish Report

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