CDFG Informational Notice and Press Release: Salmon Fishing Seasons

(916) 445-0411

The following is the Proclamation of a State of Emergency by the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a press release from the California Department of Fish and Game acting director John McCamman, regarding the Chinook salmon season closure.

A press release describing the governor's actions may be accessed at

State of Emergency: Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon PROCLAMATION by the Governor of the State of California

April 10, 2008

WHEREAS California's salmon runs are a vital component of our great State's resources and contribute significant environmental, recreational, commercial, and economic benefits to the people; and

WHEREAS the Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon have been significantly impacted by poor ocean conditions, and other environmental factors; and

WHEREAS the Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon, traditionally a mainstay salmon population for the West Coast, have declined in abundance to a level where California's and Oregon's recreational and commercial fisheries are being provisionally closed; and

WHEREAS Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon are predicted to have extremely low ocean abundance for 2008 in waters from Cape Falcon in northern Oregon to the U.S./Mexico Border in San Diego County, California; and

WHEREAS appropriate management of the Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon is critical to California's businesses and local communities that provide goods and services in support of California's salmon fisheries; and

WHEREAS on March 14, 2008, I requested U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez to use his authority under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to determine that there has been a commercial fishery failure due to a fishery resource disaster; and

WHEREAS on April 10, 2008, the Pacific Fishery Management Council adopted final regulatory recommendations to close commercial and recreational salmon fishing, and it is anticipated that the National Marine Fisheries Service will adopt an emergency rule followed by a declaration by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, that is consistent with the Council's action; and

WHEREAS these restrictions will have significant impacts to California's commercial and recreational ocean salmon and Central Valley in-river recreation salmon fisheries and will result in severe economic losses throughout the State, including an estimated $255 million economic impact and the loss of an estimated 2,263 jobs; and

WHEREAS the serious circumstances of the Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon put at risk the livelihoods of families and businesses dependent upon them.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor of the State of California, find that conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist within California due to the poor ocean conditions and resulting from the significant restrictions that have been imposed on the State's salmon fisheries, and the magnitude of this disaster will likely exceed the capabilities of the services, personnel, and facilities of the counties in California. Therefore, I find California to be in a state of emergency, and under the authority of the California Emergency Services Act, I hereby proclaim that a State of Emergency exists in California.

In addition, pursuant to this Proclamation:

I DIRECT the Director of the California Department of Fish and Game and the Secretary of the Resources Agency to: (1) report to me immediately upon final action of the Department of Commerce and the California Fish and Game Commission on any further actions necessary to ensure the protection of the resource and of the economic livelihood of the fishery participants and local communities; and (2) address the long-term restoration and management of the Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon in ongoing discussions with federal agencies and representatives from conservation and fishing organizations and fishing communities.

I FURTHER DIRECT the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, with the cooperation of the Department of Finance, to activate the Small Business Disaster Assistance Loan Guarantee Program to guarantee loans to prevent business insolvencies and loss of employment in California as a result of this State of Emergency.

I FURTHER DIRECT that to ensure that adequate assistance is available to individuals who have lost their jobs as a result of this emergency, the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Director of the Employment Development Department shall make available additional assistance grants in those circumstances where the local Dislocated Worker formula allocation is not adequate to cover the demand for services to individuals who have lost their jobs as a result of this State of Emergency.

I FURTHER DIRECT the Director of the Department of Fish and Game to request from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, that California continue to receive the maximum apportionment for federal funds under the federal Sport Fish Restoration Act allowable for the years 2008 and 2009 through an exemption from the apportionment calculation of other suitable means since a predicted decrease in fishing license sales may negatively affect the State's apportionment.

I FURTHER DIRECT the Director of the Department of Fish and Game to take all necessary actions to issue refunds for commercial fishing salmon stamps issued under Fish and Game Code section 7860, and for Commercial Salmon Vessel Permits issued under Fish and Game Code sections 8235 and 8245, paid for the current 2008 commercial fishing salmon season because retention of such fees would hinder mitigation of the effects of this emergency.

I FURTHER DIRECT that no administrative charges, by any State department, agency, board, commission or office, will be claimed or charged to the Department of Fish and Game for the processing of these refunds.

I FURTHER DIRECT that the Director of Finance make up to $2.7 million in special fund money available to the Department of Fish and Game for the purposes of refunding commercial fishing salmon stamps and Commercial Salmon Vessel Permits for the 2008 season; for increased enforcement activities; and to increase public awareness of the federal policy and the State's actions.

I FURTHER DIRECT that as soon as hereafter possible, this proclamation be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this the 10th day of April 2008.



Governor of California

This Proclamation may be viewed online at .

California Department of Fish and Game

News Release

For Immediate Release

April 11, 2008

Contact: Jordan Traverso, DFG Deputy Director, Office of Communications, Education & Outreach, (916) 212-7352

Director McCamman Makes Statement on Salmon Closure

John McCamman, Acting Director of the Department of Fish and Game, made the following statement today regarding Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proclamation:

"On behalf of the Department of Fish and Game (DFG), I commend Gov. Schwarzenegger on his immediate action in declaring a state of emergency regarding the upcoming salmon season. Yesterday's decision by the Pacific Fishery Management Council closing salmon fishing along the West Coast will result in significant economic impacts to recreational, commercial and in-river fishing interests in California. The Governor's quick and thorough response provides avenues for economic relief and proves his commitment to impacted Californians.

"We will immediately implement the Governor's direction outlined in the proclamation. DFG, in conjunction with the Fish and Game Commission, will explore further angling opportunities for Californians that align with our mission to soundly manage the state's marine and wildlife resources."


For the Pacific Fishery Management Council press release announcing the salmon season closure, go to:

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